Management team
Our business model is one centred on scalability, rather than trying to be all things to all clients. Under the stewardship of our management team, WGM has assembled some of the most sought after specialists in geoscience and engineering from around the world providing our clients access to experts in exploration, mining and processing skills in the major mineral commodities. This approach enables WGM to efficiently manage complex projects involving large teams from a broad range of disciplines, with project teams customized to meet the exact demands of our clients. WGM never places professionals on projects simply because they are available.

Joe Hinzer, P.GEO. | President
With more than 30 years in the mining industry, Joe Hinzer is an influential member of the international mining community, having served on the board of several notable industry associations including the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). As a Qualified Person (QP), Mr. Hinzer's expertise spans grassroots exploration through to mine operation, and today leads WGM's due diligence and valuation practice alongside Ross Lawrence, Principal Consultant and one of WGM's founders. Mr. Hinzer also heads the firm's CSR initiatives, having recently assisted the government of Nunavut, Canada's largest Territory, to develop a land resource management regime.
Albert Workman, P.GEO. | Vice President Operation & Corporate Secretary
Al Workman is an exploration geologist with more than 40 years of experience in diverse metallogenic settings, including assignments at all levels of exploration: grass-roots programs, company valuations, mineral property evaluations, geophysical data integration, diamond drilling programs and resource estimates. Mr. Workman executed a key role in the discovery of the Holt-McDermott gold deposit located north of Kirkland Lake, Canada. From 1992 to 1995, Mr. Workman managed WGM's operations in Yemen, designing, managing and executing exploration programs. Following that he established and managed WGM's office in Jakarta Indonesia until 1998. Today, Mr. Workman is a leading expert in non-sulphide zinc deposits, gold and uranium exploration and he leads WGM's institutional strengthening and mining law reform practice.
Jeff Plate, P.GEO. | Vice President Mineral Economics and Business Development
Jeff is our resident economic expert on resourced focused development, capital markets, audit and control. In addition, he is experienced in assisting First Nations, governments and sub-national governments on a range of mineral resource development issues. Jeff regularly engages in activities related to the financing of mineral resource focused projects including their evaluation and due diligence reviews. He also heads WGM's Space Mining practice focused on off-world exploration planning and resource development as well as policy consultation with state actors globally. Jeff holds advanced degrees; in Geophysics from the University of Waterloo, Finance and Economics from Brock and McMaster Universities, along with the globally recognized Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He is registered Professional Geoscientist (P. Geo) with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO) and currently co-Chair of the Education Committee for the Management and Economics Society (MES), an arm of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).